Intercity busIntercity bus

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Information and services


Group T.E.I.S.A. We have a wide range of cards and passes so that our customers can find the maximum facilities and benefits when traveling with our regular lines. Include discounts for large families or single parents, university students, seniors and youngs, as well as several travel passes and cards refillable purse.

For information about cards of TMG, visit the website

Intercity Bus
Eix Bus


Group T.E.I.S.A. sphere is attached to the Regional Transport Authority in the Girona area, covering a total of 47 municipalities divided into seven zones. With one ticket you can use the means necessary to move from one point to another.

The titles of the ATM are:

T-10: Tiltol time limit of 10 journeys in one, two or three areas.

T-50/30: Title-man and 50-hour shifts for 30 days within a two or three areas.

T-Month: title personalized unlimited travel for 30 consecutive days for the first time and dependent areas that are crossed (from 1 to 3). You can only charge cards personalized.

T-70/90: Subject specific individuals or members of many single parents that allows 70 journeys for 90 consecutive days for the first time, dependent on the zones crossed (from 1 to 3). This title can be personalized or anonymous.

T-10/30: This is a single-person, timetable based fare option which allows the user to make 10 trips in 30 days in the area in which the fare option is first validated, in one, two or three areas.

T-12: This is a personalised fare option which allows children from the ages of 4 to 12 years old to make an unlimited number of journeys in the fare zone in which they live. This fare option can only be loaded onto T-12 personalised fare cards.

For more information visit the ATM Web titles

Intercity Bus
Eix Bus